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電流探頭| A621




產品特點:電流探頭| A621 The A600 Series current probes high-value current probes are specifically designed to support measurements you make with your TekMeter® or oscilloscope*1.

A621 2000 Amp AC Current Probe

A621電流探頭| A621的詳細資料:

電流探頭| A621

電流探頭| A621

Features & Benefits


  • AC – 5 Hz to 50 kHz
  • 100 mA to 2000 A Peak
  • For DMMs and Oscilloscopes
  • Clamp On


  • AC/DC – 100 kHz
  • 50 mA to 100 A Peak
  • For DMMs and Oscilloscopes


  • Motor Drives
  • Inverters
  • Power Supplies
  • Avionics



The A600 Series current probes high-value current probes are specifically designed to support measurements you make with your TekMeter® or oscilloscope*1.

A621 2000 Amp AC Current Probe/BNC

This industrial-style clamp-on probe has a BNC connector and may be used with a shrouded banana plug adapter*1 so it can be used on digital multimeters, TekMeter, and scopes. The A621 can measure AC currents from 100 mA to 2000 A peak over a frequency range of 5 Hz to 50 kHz. It provides a 1 mV, 10 mV, or 100 mV output for each Amp measured.

A622 100 Amp AC/DC Current Probe/BNC

This "long nose" style clamp-on probe uses a Hall Effect current sensor to provide a voltage output to oscilloscopes. It has a BNC connector and may be used with a shrouded banana plug adapter*1 so it can also be used on digital multimeters, TekMeter, and scopes. The A622 can measure AC/DC currents from 50 mA to 100 A peak over a frequency range of DC to 100 kHz. It provides 10 mV or 100 mV output for each Amp measured.

Recommended Products

TPS2000, TDS1000B, TDS2000C, and TDS3000C Series oscilloscopes and DMM4020*1, DMM4040*1, and DMM4050*1 digital multimeters.

*1 For instruments with banana jack inputs, Tektronix part number 012-1450-00 Female BNC to banana lead adapter is required.


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